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Montero jeep - MegaDeal.lk - Car Vehicle Land House Phone Electronics Sale in Sri Lanka
Montero jeep
Code 42
Price Rs: Rs:  5300000.00

* Mitsubishi montero jeep * YOM - 2002 * YOR - 2003 * first register - Brand new * Fuel - petrol * Engine Cc - 1999 * Transmission - Automatic * Tyres - 100% * Engine & Body - 100% * Battry - 100% * Sunroof - 100% * 4 × 4 Wheel - 100% * location - Kuliyapitiya * 53 lks * Quick sale * T.P - 0740384334

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  • megadealsrilanka@gmail.com
  • Mega Deal Sri Lanka, No 130, Boralugod Road, Athurugiriya, Sri Lanka
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